Woman arrested and bull shot twice during an altercation in Seneca West | Crime News

A woman from West Seneca is accused of attacking police officers and letting a bull attack them during a brawl on New Year’s Day at an apartment house on Porsche Street.
Police brought six charges, including Janaitan, against April L. Gorman, 34, after a standoff that began when officers went to her apartment to investigate a home disturbance call at 11 am.
Western Seneca Police said an officer twice shot a small bull after the dog chased the officer out of the building and down the street.
As of Saturday afternoon, the animal was still alive and police described it as recovering from its wounds at an animal emergency hospital.
Gorman was charged with a felony, a criminal offense, the felony of attempted aggravated assault on an officer, two counts of misdemeanor obstruction of government administration, misdemeanor resistance to arrest, and violation of disorderly conduct.
Authorities said that when patrol officers arrived at the home, a woman who was allegedly Gorman’s victim protected herself in a basement apartment.
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Police said Gorman entered an upstairs apartment, where officers heard shattering glass and loud bangs.
Police said that when the officers climbed the stairs toward the upper apartment, a “large and aggressive bull” attacked one of the officers and drove him out of the building.
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