Tory Linz strives to talk about Megan the Stallion case

Megan Thay Stallion Recently looked about Tory Linz Allegedly, he shot her, and now he wants to level the playing field and speak his mind.
A judge ordered Linz to shut his lips about the information he’s getting from the prosecutors in his case, and also forbade him from contacting Meg on social media – but in a new lawsuit he said it’s totally unfair.
Linz says in the documents that this is unfair Megan is able To say whatever you want … while he’s basically forbidden to defend himself.
Linz says he’s especially upset about what happened last week, when false reports began to spread with the charges against the Conservative Party being dropped.
Megan responded on social media, saying … “At this point, I’m getting upset! Stop believing in everything you read on MF. Imagine how it feels to wake up every day seeing people lying and turning my trauma into a joke? Find ways to arouse suspicion in me.” My story every week and it will be covered in the media. „
According to Linz … Megan falsely hinted that he and his legal team had something to do with the bogus reporting, thus compromising their integrity.
Megan also commented, „I can’t wait for the MF facts to come out! The bitch who shot me and my story doesn’t change and goes to jail.”
According to the documents, Linz claims that there is evidence that disproves Megan’s side of the story – including „evidence of gunshot remnants implicating others” – but due to the protection order … he is unable to reveal any of it.
Tory is also concerned about the optics – he’s afraid in documents that his silence might make it seem like he’s compromising on what Megan says is true. So he is asking the judge to amend the gag order against him.
As we reported … Megan has remained steadfast on that Tory She was shot in July After they left the party. Although Linz initially appeared to be released to the public Apology in September By saying, „I was so drunk” … he later denied it.
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