In his first call with Putin, Biden provoked election interference, bonuses, and poisoning Navalny

In his first call with Putin, Biden provoked election interference, bonuses, and poisoning Navalny

Psaki said Biden also intends to support Ukrainian sovereignty and his goal of extending the nuclear weapons treaty for five years with Russia.

The two leaders agreed to „work urgently” to extend the nuclear treaty by February 5, when the agreement is due to expire, according to the Biden administration’s statement of advocacy. The new treaty to reduce strategic weapons Limits the spread of nuclear weapons for the two countries To 1,550 each.

„They also agreed to explore strategic stability discussions on a range of emerging arms control and security issues,” the statement said.

Biden and Putin agreed to be transparent and communicate constantly, according to the reading.

„His intention was also to make it clear that the United States will act decisively in defense of our national interests in response to the malicious acts of Russia,” Psaki told reporters.

Biden’s agenda for his calls with Putin set a tone entirely different from that of former President Donald Trump, who was criticized for his relatively soft rhetoric toward Russia, particularly with regard to his broader approach to America first in foreign policy. Trump routinely tried to undermine widely accepted evidence of Kremlin interference in the 2016 election, at one point telling reporters this. He would have taken the Russian president’s words at the expense of the US intelligence community About the issue.

Biden pledged to turn the page on US-Russian relations and take a stronger stance against the Kremlin.

In April 2018, Trump He blamed weak relations between the United States and Russia Concerning Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Trump campaigners. The investigation did not find any conspiracy between Trump and Russia however It proves that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections „In a comprehensive and systematic way.” The Mueller report also found frequent contact between Trump’s associates and people who indicated they had potentially harmful information about Hillary Clinton.

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The widespread penetration of federal agencies – which was revealed in December by the intelligence agencies Russia will likely do, he said – trump card He suggested without foundation Perhaps it was China. Biden promised a strong response to the campaign.

“My departments will make cybersecurity a top priority at every level of government,” Biden said He said in a statement„We will make dealing with this breach a top priority from the moment we assume office.”

After less than a week in office, Biden was now in contact with several prominent foreign leaders, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Biden pledged to „restore dignified leadership at home and respectable leadership on the world stage” in the wake of Trump’s foreign policy.

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