Dr. Dre is still in the ICU about a week after his brain aneurysm

Dr. Dre He’s still in intensive care, a week after he was taken to hospital after suffering from a brain aneurysm, and doctors are still trying to figure out what happened.
Dre-related sources with first-hand knowledge tell TMZ … Dre’s where he’s been since last Monday – in the ICU at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles our sources say doctors are continuing to run a host of tests to get to the root problem. Doctors also want him in the ICU in case, God forbid, he’s suffering from another aneurysm … if that happens, time is of the essence.
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We don’t know if Dr. Dre had surgery, but this is usually the case to stop the bleeding.
As for his current condition … the music legend is resting comfortably, and perhaps more encouraging, our sources say that the documents have cautiously informed his family that a „bad outcome” is not in sight.
TMZ broke the story … Dre Suffered from an aneurysm At his home in the Pacific Palisades on Monday and was transported by ambulance to the Cedars.
If things stay that way, Dre is really lucky – a brain aneurysm kills about 50% of the time, and for those who survive … about 2/3 suffers from some kind of permanent neurological deficit.
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